
Translating learnlatex.org

Translating learnlatex.org

We encourage translations of the learnlatex.org course, the translations can be hosted in the main site.

Initial setup

If you are proposing to make a translation please open a new issue at GitHub stating the intention and tracking progress, that way other people contemplating working on the same language will be alerted and so duplication of effort will be avoided.

The easiest way to develop and test your translation is to fork the github repository and enable github-pages on your fork (You will need to remove the CNAME file from the top level of the repository as your fork will not be running at learnlatex.org).

Adding your language

Once the initial site is working, you can make add the new language files by taking the ISO 639-1 two letter language code for your language, which we shall assume is zz

  1. Make a new directory zz as a copy of the english pages in en, including the subdirectory en/includes
  2. Copy top level index.md into the zz directory and change references to en to zz. Delete the zz/index.html which would force a redirect to the English home page. (See the examples for existing languages, such as de).

  3. Add the two letter code zz to the langs: array in the _config.yml file.
  4. Translate the fixed strings in the files in zz/includes into your language. This is for site navigation such as “next lesson” and for the buttons used in examples such as “Open in Overleaf”.

At this point your language should appear in the drop down menu to select languages, and the navigation between pages. Obviously the main text is still English!

Translating the pages

We ask that translations are fairly literal translations of the english text. The intention is that the structure of the course and order and depth that subjects are introduced are the same for all the languages hosted on the site.

If you would rather use a different course structure but wish to use the hosting mechanisms that have been developed at learnlatex.org that is also possible, all the code is open source, however in that case we request that you use a separate URL to host the course.

For the examples themselves there are two approaches possible.

English examples

You may wish to keep the example texts unchanged but just translate the descriptive texts.

Translating examples

For some communities it is more natural that the examples are also translated. One issue here is that making realistic examples may involve macro packages such as babel or a different default engine such as pLaTeX or XeLaTeX rather than pdfLaTeX.

If this is the case we ask that the help file has an English and translated example See for example the Japanese help text and that file and lesson-03 with the first document have forward references to the language setup lessons and also any language specific lessons that you add.

Apart from these forward references the examples should stay as close to the current examples as possible even if they are set up to run with a different engine (which can be accomplished by adding a !TEX comment to the example.)

Language specific lessons

At least one language specific lesson should be added as language-01 although you can add more as needed. This should not be a translation of en/language-01 but rather any specific details for the language such as choice of engine to use, options for the babel package, etc.

The final language specific lesson should have a

next: extra-01

entry in the yml metadata section at the top of the file (the lines between the two rows of ---). this tells the jekyll site builder to modify the navigation for the final lesson.

Merging back to learnlatex.org

When you are ready you can restore the CNAME file, and then make a pull request using the GitHub site to request the files are added to the main site.

At this point you can close the initial issue raised that flagged your intention to provide a translation.

Making changes after the files have been merged

If you need to make changes later, either to improve the translation, or because the English text has been updated, then the same basic system should be used. Make the edits in the forked copy then make a pull request to have the changes made in the main site.